D.F. Stauffer Biscuit Company Building Morphing
We have received a request to produce a number of shadowboxes for a shelf layout. There is a height restriction of 8". A candidate for filling the need is the D.F. Stauffer Biscuit Co., a building that we have modeled in its original 4-story height in both 1" deep shadowbox and 6" deep building format.
To meet the customer's height restriction, we have modified the structure to 3-stories and the resultant height is 8" on the original right side element. We will actually be building two versions for this customer, one in the original elevation format and finish and the second with the two elevation elements mirrored and an alternate paint and window mullion scheme. Stenciling is not included. Look for the finished models in about a week.
During this morphing process we have also created a 5-story version that tops out at 12-3/8". Stenciling is not included in the base model, but will be offered as an additional service if you wish to customize your building. Call the shop to discuss the options.
And, yes, we will eventually offer all versions in a 6" deep building.
